Sunday, December 6, 2009

Snow Dayz's cold in the "holler", with temps being as low as 23 this past week.

On Saturday, December 5, 2009 at about 2:00 A.M., it started to snow (just a lite snow that is), but snowed until aound 6:00 A.M. Just enough for everything to be white. For the most part, it had melted off by afternoon.

But as of Sunday morning there was some snow still laying on the secluded hillsides, in our quaint "Cascade Hollow".

As the ol' folks in the "holler" used to say, "it's layin there waitin on some more".


  1. Never Sell The Ol' Folks Short. They're Probably Right.Only Thing I Would Suggest In Conditions As You Just Described Is A Fifth Of Old #8, Red Cup, And A Cozy Reflectin' Fire. Position Yourself Near A Window For Added Enjoyment!
    Good Pics!
    Thanks, Kenny

  2. I remember my grandmother always said that. =) Reminded me of her.
    Thank you!

  3. Love the pictures... Just need a couple more feet on top of it!
