Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Forward.....

The vernal equinox is still a few days away, March 20th, but for me Spring begins with Daylight Saving Time.

To some degree we may have Benjamin Franklin to thank for DST, who penned, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

With spring just a few days away and my body somewhat accustomed to DST, I am so ready for it.

Springtime in Tennessee is a leafy awakening, a riot of color rising to the occasion. Sometimes we feel the season before the warmth actually arives!!!!... Spring is seen as a time of growth, renewal and new life, ( a start of better times).

Bring on the Better Times!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally. All of which are taken in and enjoyed at a greater level if accompanied
    with a "Red Cup", filled to the top, with some good ole' George Dickel! Talk about some reflectin', That's what makes that part of the world the "Little Piece Of Heaven" that it is!............8D
